Using PL/SQL to return a list of values

We can use an Oracle PL/SQL function to retrieve a list of values from the database. In this article, we will look at two sample methods, one of which returns a character string (ie. varchar2) while the other returns a record set (ie. sys_refcursor). Our application will determine which method is best in our implementation.

In the first example below, we use a for-loop to iterate through a select statement. In each iteration, we concatenate the new data into a varchar2 variable. Finally, at the end of the function, we return the said variable.

create or replace function get_city_list(in_country_ in varchar2)
return varchar2
ret_ varchar2(1000);
	for rec in(select city from cities where country=in_country_) loop
		ret_ := ret_ || || ',';
	end loop;
	return ret_;
end get_city_list;

Alternatively, we can have the function return us a record set. To do so, we declare a sys_refcursor variable, and then in the body of the function we assign a SQL statement for it.

create or replace function get_city_list(in_country_ in varchar2)
return sys_refcursor
	ret_ sys_refcursor
	open ret_ for select city from cities where country=in_country_;
	return ret_;
end get_city_list;

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